Having the PROPER RELATIVE HUMIDITY is VERY IMPORTANT. During the Summer Months, the relative humidity is normally higher than it should be, and Your Air Conditioner REMOVES that humidity as it cools your air. In the WINTER TIME though, relative humidity can drop DRASTICALLY, and Your HOME and FAMILY can actually SUFFER. Without enough moisture in the air, your home may literally become as dry as the Sahara Desert ! Getting shocks from the door knobs is only one symptom. You may also notice doors that don't close properly, wooden floors and furniture that begin to deteriorate, family members with dry noses and possible increases in illnesses, and an overall need to set the thermostat HIGHER, to FEEL comfortable. When you add a WHOLE-HOUSE HUMIDIFIER to your furnace or air handler, it will raise the RELATIVE HUMIDITY, and help with all of these symptoms. With the proper relative humidity, your house will feel warmer at a lower temperature, making you feel more comfortable, while saving you money on your fuel bills !
Click the link below to have one of our HOME-COMFORT SPECIALISTS take a look at your system, and help you decide which humidifier is right for you !